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Whitehead - Rodoslovlje obitelji, prvi dio

Drugi dio rodoslovlja obitelji Roberta Whiteheada možete pogledati ovdje!



Kreirao ©: Nenad Labus
viši savjetnik konzervator-dokumentarist u mirovini,
Konzervatorski odjel Rijeka


Prva generacija


1.      ROBERT WHITEHEAD, * 06.01.1823 in Bolton Le Moor (Lancashire),1,2 (son of James Whitehead and Ellen Swift), † 14.11.1905 in Shrivenham (Berkshire),3 buried in Worth,4 education __.__.1829 - __.__.1837 Bolton Grammar School, education __.__.1837 Manchester's Mechanics Institute for apprentice engineer,5 education __.__.1839 Maintaining the tradition he served a long apprenticeship with a well respected engineering company, Omerods of Manchester (Richard Ormund and Sons), occupation __.__.1840 he left in 1840 to seek his fortune abroad, occupation __.__.1844 works in France, in a shipyard in Toulon - Fabbrica di Macchine Taylor (ora Forges et Chantiers de la Méditeranée),6,7 occupation __.__.1847 Milan, first setting up as a consultant engineer, then he starts his own bussiness,8 occupation __.__.1848 Trieste, working for a shipyard where he was credited with producing the first screw propeller and cylindrical marine boiler to be built in Austria; d, occupation __.__.1850 By the 1850s Whitehead was working for the Austrian government,9 occupation __.__.1850 direttore dello Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino, ora Cantieri Navali Riuniti (Fabbrica di macchine di S. Andrea),10 occupation __.__.1858 nominato direttore tecnico dello Stabilimento Tecnico Fiumano,11 occupation __.__.1864 he decided to accept the job as manager of major engineering company based in Fiume, occupation 26.01.1875, occupation __.__.1880 purchased a Victorian mansion near Ryde in the Isle of Wight, occupation __.__.1885 Robert purchased a large country estate called Paddockhurst, in Worth, Berkshire and lived there for some years, but it proved to be such an expensive, occupation __.__.1889 at Fiume he demonstrated 18" torpedo to the British Royal Navy, occupation __.__.1891 opened his torpedo factory at Ferrybridge by Portland Harbour, the first torpedo factory in Britain, occupation __.__.1894 sold Paddockhurst Estate at Worth to Sir Weetman Pearson, occupation __.__.1906 Amstrong i Wickers kupuju dionice, occupation __.01.1907, occupation __.__.1982 it was a Whitehead Mark VIII torpedo that sank argentine cruiser, Belgrano during the Falklands conf, event __.__.1894 sold Paddockhurst Estate at Worth to Sir Weetman Pearson.12 .

      Notes: ostavina PAR, PR-3 III.71/1906 kut. 259.


              He married FRANCIS MARIA JOHNSON, nickname Fanny, 30.03.1846 in Old Bayland (Yorkshire),13,14 * 23.09.1821 in Boville Manor,15 (daughter of James Johnson and Ann Boville), † 09.04.1883 in Springfield, Ryde (Isle of Wight).16




                              2.              i.              Frances Eleanor Whitehead * 19.05.1849.


                              3.              ii.              James Whitehead * __.__.1850.


                              4.              iii.              Alice Whitehead * 31.03.1851.


                              5.              iv.              John Whitehead * 23.11.1854.


                              6.              v.              Richard Whitehead * __.__.1856.


                              7.              vi.              James Beetham Whitehead * 21.07.1858.


                              8.              vii.              Robert Bovill Whitehead * 12.05.1867.



Generation Two


2.      FRANCES ELEANOR WHITEHEAD, * 19.05.1849 in Trieste,17 † 22.02.1900 in Farington, Shrivenham,18 no children from this person.


      She married (1) LUDWIG HASSENPFLUG, - 11.10.1878 * 01.12.1831,19,20 (son of Hans Daniel Ludwig Friedrich Hassenpflug and Charlotte Amalie Grimm), † 11.10.1878 in Malta,21,22 occupation austrijski mornarički kapetan, no children from this person.



      She married (2) CHARLES DRURY, 26.08.1886 - 22.02.1900,23 * 27.08.1846 in Rothesay, Canada,24 (son of LeBaron Drury and Eliza Sophia Poyntz), † 18.05.1914 in Tenterden,25 occupation Canadian Royal Navy Admiral,26 occupation 05.08.1868 poručnik,27 occupation 01.05.1878 commander,28 occupation 30.06.1885 kapetan,29 occupation 23.08.1897 - __.__.1899 Aide-de-camp to Queen Victoria,30 occupation 13.07.1899 kontraadmiral,31 occupation 05.06.1902 Commander-in-Chief, East Indies,32,33 occupation 01.01.1903 KSCI,34 occupation 31.07.1903 - __.__.1907 Second Sea Lord,35,36 occupation 16.06.1904 vice-admiral,37 occupation 30.06.1905 KCB,38 occupation 11.04.1907 Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Fleet,39 occupation 15.04.1907 GCVO,40 occupation 02.12.1908 - 27.08.1911 Commander-in-Chief, The Nore,41,42 occupation 19.06.1911 GCB,43 occupation 27.08.1911 umirovljen,44 no children from this person.45

      Charles: Notes: Ammiraglio della r. marina inglese.


3.      JAMES WHITEHEAD, * __.__.1850,46 † in Milano.

4.      ALICE WHITEHEAD, * 31.03.1851 in Trieste,47,48 † 18.01.1936 in Wien. Address: Alice Wittve Hoyos g. Whitehead, IV. Ploessl gasse 13 (srušeno!), Wien.

      Notes: The presence in the family of son-in-law Count Hoyos was a considerable bonus, as he was a member of an old Hapsburg aristocratic family with considerable contacts and influence.

      Since her mother died, Alice Hoyos and her husband Count Georg, gave Robert Whitehead a great deal of support and companionship.


      She married GEORG ANTON MARIA DE HOYOS, 30.03.1869 in Rijeka,49 * 21.01.1842 in Sombor,50 (son of Ludwig Anton de Hoyos and Kamila von Erdoedy de Monyorokerek et Monoszlo), † 15.08.1904 in Beckett Shrivensham,51 buried 25.08.1904 in Rijeka,52 education Vojna pomorska akademija,53 military Kapetan korvete,54 occupation 26.01.1875, occupation Ravnatelj Tvornice torpeda,55 occupation Ratno odličje Franje Josipa I.,56 occupation Signum laudis,57 occupation Ratna medalja,58 occupation Jubilarna medalja,59 occupation orden Danneborg,60 occupation Orden Sv. Stanislava,61 will signed 04.12.1901 in Wien.62




                              9.              i.              Leopoldine Camilla Helene Franziska Malvine contessa Hoyos * 15.04.1870.


                              10.              ii.              Margarethe Malvine de Hoyos * 20.09.1871.


                              11.              iii.              Edgard Viktor John Robert Anton Georg conte Hoyos * 07.02.1875.


                              12.              iv.              Ludwig Alexander Georg von Hoyos * 13.05.1876.


                              13.              v.              Alice Lilian von Hoyos * 18.10.1877.


                              14.              vi.              Gabrielle Elisabeth Manuela Theodora von Hoyos * 11.09.1879.


                              15.              vii.              Camilla Johanna Amelie Luise Robertine von Hoyos * 15.12.1880.


5.      JOHN WHITEHEAD, * 23.11.1854 in Trieste,63,64 † 09.04.1902 in Wien,65 occupation Rijeka, diretore della Cassa distrettuale per ammalati,66 occupation Rijeka, console della Republica Argentina, occupation Rijeka, presidente del Sailor's Home, occupation cavalliere dell'ordine imp. austriaco Francesco Giuseppe.

      Notes: comproprietario del Silurificio Whitehead, direttore della Cassa distretuale.


              He married AGATE CONTESSA BREUNNER-ENKEVOIRTH, 02.07.1887,67 * 18.07.1859 in Grafenegg,68,69 (daughter of August von Breunner Enkevoirth and Agathe Countess Szechenyi), † 07.01.1945.70




                              16.              i.              John Robert Gubertus Whitehead * 20.01.1888.


                              17.              ii.              Frank August Gubertus Whitehead * 20.10.1889.


                              18.              iii.              Agathe Whitehead * 14.06.1891.


                              19.              iv.              Maria Agata Carolina Whitehead * 30.12.1895.


                              20.              v.              Joan Whitehead * 25.09.1898.


6.      RICHARD WHITEHEAD, * __.__.1856,71 † 17.09.1858 in Rijeka.72 .

7.      JAMES BEETHAM WHITEHEAD, * 21.07.1858 in Rijeka,73,74 † 19.09.1928,75,76 occupation Knight Commander, Order of St. Michael and St. George (K.C.M.G.)., occupation __.__.1906 - __.__.1910 britanski ministar (diplomat) u Srbiji.

      Notes: Regio segretario di legazione inglese a Belgrado (Ambassador to the Austrian Empire).


      The Société Française des Torpilles Whitehead was incorporated in France in 1913, to make torpedoes, mines, etc. The name was French, but the potent 51 per cent. was English, in the hands of the ubiquitous Vickers Ltd., with Zaharoff receiving enough shares to sit on the board of directors.


      James Beetham Whitehead, English Ambassador to France, gave his name to the firm and held some shares. Vice Admiral Aubert represented the French navy. But it is most astonishing to find that this firm, founded to combat the menace of Von Tirpitz’s submarines, numbered Frau Margareta von Bismarck of Friedrichsruhe, daughter of the late Iron Chancellor, as an important shareholder. Another director, Count Edgar Hoyos of Fiume, was an Austrian.


      Besides this Fiume connection, Zaharoff held shares in other Austrian companies—the Teschen Steel Company, the Berghütten Arms factory and the famous Skoda works. In Germany he had stock in Krupp. Thus this Greek arms salesman had attained, just before the war, a dominating position as an international armament capitalist, the logical consummation of the policy he had started in selling submarines to both Turkey and his fatherland. He had advanced himself to the role of a sort of impresario for one of the largest polyglot organisations in the world, Vickers Ltd. It was as the director of the international performances of Vickers that he was best able to display his peculiar talents ; and justly so, for Vickers manifested, in more diverse ways than any other, the multiple activities of the armament trust.




              He married MARIANN CECILIA HONORABLE BRODRICK, 15.04.1896, * __.__.1869,77 (daughter of William Brodrick and Hon. Augusta Mary Fremantle), † 28.04.1932.




                              21.              i.              George Robert Beethom Whitehead * __.__.1897.


                              22.              ii.              Augusta Alice Cecilia Whitehead * __.__.1898.


                              23.              iii.              John William St. John Whitehead * __.__.1901.


                              24.              iv.              Frances Edith Marian Whitehead * __.__.1903.


                              25.              v.              Sir Edgar Cuthbert Fremantle Whitehead * 08.02.1905.


                              26.              vi.              Hugh Laurence James Whitehead * __.__.1908.


                              27.              vii.              Arthur Wilfred Alexander Whitehead * __.__.1911.


8.      ROBERT BOVILL WHITEHEAD, nickname Bertie, * 12.05.1867,78 occupation __.__.1905 - __.__.1923 kupuje Alvie Lodge (House), Kincraig, Inverness-shire.79 .


              He married ROSIE PHELPS.




                              28.              i.              Robert Bowil Whitehead.



Generation Three


9.      LEOPOLDINE CAMILLA HELENE FRANZISKA MALVINE CONTESSA HOYOS, * 15.04.1870 in Pula, † 20.02.1935 in Kiel, occupation konfiskacija imovine.80 .


      She married LUDWIG BARON VON PLESSEN-CRONSTERN, religious name Ludwig Mogens Gabriel, 28.04.1888 in Rijeka, * 11.09.1848 in Lindholm, Denmark (son of Karl von Scheel-Plessen and Henriette von Tronstern), † 18.07.1929 in Nehmten, Holstein, occupation prvi savjetnik (consigliere di legazione) njemačke carske ambasade u Londonu,81 occupation __.04.1888 egzekvatura kao njemački generalni konzul u Budimpešti,82 occupation __.07.1890 opunomoćeni pruski ministar u Darmstadtu.83 They were engaged on __.__.1888.84




                              29.              i.              Ludwig von Plessen-Cronstern * 02.05.1889.


                              30.              ii.              Gabriele von Plessen * 23.12.1891.


                              31.              iii.              Leopold von Plessen * 13.06.1894.


                              32.              iv.              Helena von Plessen * 23.10.1897.


                              33.              v.              Mogens von Plessen * 28.03.1905.


                              34.              vi.              Manuella von Plessen * 02.10.1908.


                              35.              vii.              Johann von Plessen * 10.07.1990.


10.        MARGARETHE MALVINE DE HOYOS, * 20.09.1871 in Rijeka,85 † 04.10.1945 in Schönau,86 occupation Rijeka, konfiskacija imovine.87 .


              She married HERBERT VON BISMARCK-SCHÖNHAUSEN, 11.06.1892 in Rijeka, 21.06.1892 in Wien,88 * 28.12.1849 in Berlin,89,90 (son of Otto von Bismarck-Schönhausen and Johanna von Puttkamer), † 18.09.1904 in Anmühl (Friedrichsruh).91




                              36.              i.              Hannah von Bismarck-Schönhausen * __.__.1893.


                              37.              ii.              Goedela von Bismarck-Schönhausen * __.__.1896.


                              38.              iii.              Otto Prince von Bismarck-Schönhausen * __.__.1897.


                              39.              iv.              Gottfried von Bismarck-Schönhausen * __.__.1901.


                              40.              v.              Albrecht von Bismarck-Schönhausen * __.__.1903.


11.        EDGARD VIKTOR JOHN ROBERT ANTON GEORG CONTE HOYOS, * 07.02.1875 in Rijeka,92 † 18.06.1952 in Satteins bei Feldkirch, Vorarlberg,93 occupation __.__.1904 upravitelj Tvornice torpeda,94 occupation Predsjednik "Sailor's home" u Rijeci,95 occupation posjedovao jahtu "Drache III" u Puli, occupation ravnatelj d. d. "Fondiaria" Rijeka,96 occupation Commodore reda Franje Josipa I. sa zvijezdom,97 occupation konfiskacija imovine.98 Address: Edgardo conte Hoyos, Via Whitehead n. 12, Fiume.


              He married HELENA KINSKY VON WCHINITZ UND TETTAU, religious name Georgina Eugenia Maria Theresia, 07.09.1901 in Wien, * 12.08.1879 in Ischl (daughter of Oktavian Zdenko Stanislaus Sigmund Johann Kinský and Georgine Festetics von Tolna), † 23.03.1968 in Bryn Myrddin.99




                              41.              i.              George Hoyos * 17.07.1902.


                              42.              ii.              Zdenko Alexander Anton von Hoyos * 16.08.1903.


                              43.              iii.              Franz Joseph Balthasar von Hoyos * 10.12.1904.


                              44.              iv.              Alice-Margit von Hoyos * 26.02.1907.


                              45.              v.              Marie Cajetana Leopoldine Franziska Robertine von Hoyos * 15.02.1909.


                              46.              vi.              Adam-Eusebius Johannes Reinhold Maria Joseph Anton von Hoyos * 07.05.1912.


                              47.              vii.              Marie Ines Polixena Benedikta Ilona von Hoyos * 10.04.1917.


12.        LUDWIG ALEXANDER GEORG VON HOYOS, * 13.05.1876 in Rijeka,100,101 † 20.10.1937 in Schwertberg, Austria,102,103 occupation Diplomat, occupation ataše u austrijskom veleposlanstvu u Pekingu,104 occupation ataše u austrijskom veleposlanstvu u Parizu,105 occupation ataše u austrijskom veleposlanstvu u Beogradu,106 occupation ataše u austrijskom veleposlanstvu u Berlinu,107 occupation tajnik izaslanstva u Stuttgartu,108 occupation tajnik izaslanstva u Londonu,109 occupation __.__.1912 šef kabineta Ministarstva vanjskih poslova u Beču,110 occupation __.__.1914 voditelj protokola austrougarskoga ministarskoga savjeta,111 occupation __.__.1917 - __.__.1918 voditelj trgovačkoga izaslanstva u Kristijaniji (Oslo), occupation konfiskacija imovine.112 .

        Notes: Seit 1900 provisor. Attaché an den Gesamdtschaften in Peking, Paris, Beograd, Berlin. 1905. Legations-sekretär in Stuttgart und London, 1912. Legationsrat und Chef des Kabinets des Min.

        Überbrachte am 5. 7. 1914. Denkschrift und k. Handschreiben, welche die gefährdete Lage der Monarchie präzisierten, nach Berlin und wor Protokollführer der Sitzung des gemeinsamen Ministerrates, die nach seiner Rückkehr am 7. 7. stattfand, ebenso der Sitzung am 19. 7. Hoyos war an der Abfassung des Ultimatums an Serbien maßgeblich beteiligt.

        1917-1918. Geschäftsträger in Cristíania.


        <Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950. - Verl. Herm. Böhlaus Nachf. Graz-Köln 1957., p. 435>



              He married EDMEE DE LOYS-CHANDIEU, 24.04.1913 in Paris, * 07.05.1892 in Paris, Île-de-France,113 (daughter of Henry de Loys-Chandieu and Mélanie Agnes Cmt. de Pourtales), † 08.02.1945 in Schwertberg.114




                              48.              i.              Johann Georg Heinrich Franz Herbert Ludwig Edgar Alexander von Hoyos * 09.02.1914.


                              49.              ii.              Melanie Alice Marguerite Agnes Goedela von Hoyos * 29.02.1916.


                              50.              iii.              Alice Agnes Marguerite Synnove von Hoyos * 26.07.1918.


                              51.              iv.              Beatrix Marys Cecilia Carola von Hoyos * 12.04.1923.


13.              ALICE LILIAN VON HOYOS, * 18.10.1877 in Rijeka, † 23.10.1923 in Erlangen.


              She married ADOLF CECIL GF VON REVENTLOW-CRIMINIL, 12.10.1907 in Wien, * 07.10.1861 in Kiel (son of Carl Adelbert Felix Reventlow-Criminil and Isabella Harriet Jane Wemyss), † 19.08.1927 in Karlovy Vary.




                              52.              i.              Augusta Cecilia Diana Theodora Reventlow-Criminil * 14.09.1908.


                              53.              ii.              Friedrich - Victor Ludwig Carl Curt Reventlow-Criminil * 05.05.1916.


                              54.              iii.              Hubertus Cecil Ernst Georg Alexander Randolph Reventlow-Criminil.


14.        GABRIELLE ELISABETH MANUELA THEODORA VON HOYOS, * 11.09.1879 in Rijeka, † 23.12.1945 in Graz, occupation konfiskacija imovine.115 .

15.        CAMILLA JOHANNA AMELIE LUISE ROBERTINE VON HOYOS, * 15.12.1880 in Springfield, Isle of Wight, † 08.11.1953 in London, occupation konfiskacija imovine.116 .


              She married CHARLES WILKENS SHORT JR, 19.11.1912 in London, † 16.04.1954 in London.




                              55.              i.              _____ Short * 04.10.1916.


16.        JOHN ROBERT GUBERTUS WHITEHEAD, * 20.01.1888 in Rijeka,117 † 03.08.1916 in London,118 occupation poručnik RAF.


              He married LAURA DE BELAN, † __.__.1972.119


17.        FRANK AUGUST GUBERTUS WHITEHEAD, * 20.10.1889 in Rijeka,120 † __.__.1950 in Salzburg,121 event __.__.1947 in Comproprietario della "casa veneziana" in 1/21 parte.122 .


              He married MARGARETA BRAIDA, 14.09.1918 in Loosdorf.123




                              56.              i.              John Eugen Whitehead * 04.09.1921.


18.        AGATHE WHITEHEAD, * 14.06.1891 in Rijeka,124 † 03.09.1922 in Klosterneuburg,125,126 occupation __.__.1912 krstila austrougarsku podmornicu U-5 i srela Trappa, occupation __.__.1914, occupation __.__.1921.


        She married GEORG RITTER VON TRAPP, 01.03.1912 in Rijeka,127 * 04.04.1880 in Zadar,128 (son of August Ritter von Trapp and _____ _____), † 30.05.1947 in Stowe, Vermont,129 occupation __.__.1894 Ausmusterung Marineakademie, occupation 01.07.1901 Seekadet, occupation 01.05.1903 Linienschiffsfähnrich, occupation __.__.1904 Offiziers-Seeminenkurs,130 occupation __.__.1907 Offiziers-Torpedokurs,131 occupation 01.11.1908 L-S-L (Linienschiffsleutnant) rang,132,133 occupation 01.07.1910 - 24.06.1913 Kommandt S.M.U. 6 (Agathe Whitehead), occupation Kommandt S.M. Torpedoboot 52, occupation 01.11.1911 Linienschiffsleutnant, occupation 22.04.1915 - 10.10.1915 Kommandt S.M.U. 5, occupation 14.10.1915 - 13.01.1918 Kommandt S.M.U. 14 (Curie), occupation 01.05.1918 Korvettenkapitän, occupation 01.05.1918 Kommandt U Bootstation in der Boka Kotorska, occupation 21.04.1924 Theresienritter, occupation __.__.1935 knjiga "Bis zum letzten Flaggenschuss", Salzburg.

        Georg: Notes: 1922. After our mother's death we moved to a place called Aigen, near Salzburg.




                              57.              i.              Ruppert Georg Gobertus Ritter von Trapp * 01.11.1911.


                              58.              ii.              Agathe Joana Erwina Gobertina von Trapp * 12.03.1913.


                              59.              iii.              Maria Franziska Gobertina von Trapp * __.__.1914.


                              60.              iv.              Werner Gobertus Ritter von Trapp * 21.12.1915.


                              61.              v.              Maria Hedwige Adolphine Gobertina von Trapp * 28.07.1917.


                              62.              vi.              Johanna Karolina Gobertina von Trapp * 07.09.1919.


                              63.              vii.              Alice Martina Gobertina von Trapp * 17.02.1921.


19.        MARIA AGATA CAROLINA WHITEHEAD, nickname Mary, * 30.12.1895 in Rijeka,134,135,136 † 16.06.1993,137 occupation Dame of Honour and Devotion SMOM, event __.__.1947 in Conproprietaria della "casa veneziana" in 2/21 parti.138 .


        She married GIOACCHINO PIETRO LUIGI BAR. MALFATTI, 01.10.1921,139 * 30.12.1891, † 06.02.1964, occupation Bailiff Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion SMOM.




                              64.              i.              Maria della Gloria Agata Giuseppina Gobertina Malfatti * 22.08.1922.


                              65.              ii.              Gioacchino Pietro Francesco Gobertus Malfatti * 29.04.1924.


                              66.              iii.              Alessandra Roberta Caterina Gobertina Malfatti * 15.03.1926.


20.        JOAN WHITEHEAD, * 25.09.1898 in Rijeka,140 event __.__.1947 in Conproprietaria della "casa veneziana" in 2/21 parti.141 .

21.        GEORGE ROBERT BEETHOM WHITEHEAD, * __.__.1897, † __.__.1981.142 .


              He married _____ _____.


22.        AUGUSTA ALICE CECILIA WHITEHEAD, * __.__.1898.143 .

23.        JOHN WILLIAM ST. JOHN WHITEHEAD, * __.__.1901,144 † __.__.1984,145 occupation stockbroker and pre-WWII amateur aviator.


              He married HELEN DAIREEN MITCHELL.


24.        FRANCES EDITH MARIAN WHITEHEAD, * __.__.1903,146 † __.__.1992.147 .


              She married SIR JOHN PAGET BOWMAN, 14.07.1948, * 12.02.1904, † 16.08.1994, occupation finance manager and director of Central Europe Western Electric., occupation company secretary for Decca Records, occupation general manager of Brymbo, occupation __.__.1947 - __.__.1952 general manager of Carter & Company, occupation __.__.1952 proprietor of Purbeck Decorative Tile Company, occupation 02.12.1955 4th Baronet Bowman, of Holmbury St. Mary, co. Surrey.


25.        SIR EDGAR CUTHBERT FREMANTLE WHITEHEAD, * 08.02.1905 in Berlin, British Embassy,148 † 23.09.1971 in Newbury, Berkshire,149 occupation Shrewsbury School,150 occupation University College, Oxford,151 occupation __.__.1928 seli u Rodeziju zbog zdravlja,152 occupation __.__.1944 Officer, Order of the British Empire (O.B.E.),153 occupation __.__.1945 - __.__.1946 Acting High Commissioner for Southern Rhodesia in London,154 occupation __.__.1953 - __.__.1963 Minister of Finance and Posts & Telegraphs, Salisbury,155 occupation __.__.1954 Knight, Order of the British Empire (O.B.E.),156 occupation __.__.1957 - __.__.1958 Minister for Rhodesia & Nyasaland Affairs in Washington, D.C.,157 occupation 17.02.1958 - 17.12.1962 Prime Minister of Rhodesia and Minister for Native Affairs,158 occupation seli u UK i živi kod sestre blizu Whitchurcha u Hampshiru,159 never married.

26.              HUGH LAURENCE JAMES WHITEHEAD, * __.__.1908, † __.__.1945.

27.        ARTHUR WILFRED ALEXANDER WHITEHEAD, also known as Swivel,160 * __.__.1911, † __.07.1940.161 .

        Notes: The Times 6/9/1940; pg. 7; Issue 48714; col E: FLYING OFFICER AWA WHITEHEAD ALC writes:- The death of Flying Officer AWA Whitehead comes as a great shock to his many friends, especially to those of the world of civil aviation, with which he was so conspicuously connected. Arthur Whitehead was educated at Oundle and University College, Oxford, where he began his flying career in the University Air Squadron under the present Air Marshal, AGR Garrod. Flying became soon not only his hobby but his life, though he was also a keen member of the University Sailing Club, and from his Portmeadow days came the affectionate nickname of "Swivel" by which he was so universally known. Even before coming down from Oxford he had quite considerable flying experience, including piloting his own machine to Khartoum and back, and shortly before the outbreak of the war he had flown his own machine to Australia, where he made many friends, especially in Adelaide and Sydney. From 1930 "Swivel" for I must write it, was a familiar figure at Heston, Gatwick, Blackpool, and, above all, Croydon, for he worked mainly with British Airways and latterly Rollasons, throwing into his operational work all the zest of which he was capable, and his capacity for detail, and his keenness to learn the routine of civil air line work from the humblest beginnings, made him a loyal colleague who would undoubtedly in time have become an inspiring leader. Though not a scholar in the true sense of the word, he had an extensive fund of knowledge which covered a wide range of subjects, and he often surprised even those of us who knew him best by his ability to discuss out-of-the-way topics. To all of us who knew "Swivel" and loved him will remain the unfailing memory of his continual cheerfulness - which not even his physical disability could daunt or diminish - a generosity at times almost Quixotic - and an Edwardian courtesy and charm of manner in these days rare but peculiarly refreshing to meet. On the surface shy and retiring, his depth of character was nevertheless apparent, and reflected by the numerous friends that he made wherever he went. His death means to many of us a loss which words cannot describe, and a sense of good fellowship and friendship cut unexpectedly short. To his brothers and sister we extend our deepest sympathy."

28.        ROBERT BOWIL WHITEHEAD, event __.__.1947 in Conproprietario della "casa veneziana" in 9/21 parti.162 .


Generation Four


29.              LUDWIG VON PLESSEN-CRONSTERN, * 02.05.1889 in Budapest, † 30.10.1985, never married.

30.              GABRIELE VON PLESSEN, * 23.12.1891 in Darmstadt, † 05.08.1957.


              She married KARL VON HOHENTHAL, 02.12.1913 in Berlin, * 04.12.1877 in Hohenpriessnitz, † 03.01.1971.




                              67.              i.              Rosa von Hohenthal.


                              68.              ii.              Sabine von Hohenthal.


                              69.              iii.              Karl von Hohenthal.


                              70.              iv.              Leopoldine von Hohenthal * 02.12.1927.


                              71.              v.              Alice von Hohenthal.


                              72.              vi.              Karl von Hohenthal.


31.              LEOPOLD VON PLESSEN, * 13.06.1894 in Darmstadt, † 01.02.1971, no children from this person.


              He married ELEANOR WHITING, * 03.01.1902 in Baltimore, † 01.09.1949 in San Francisco.


32.              HELENA VON PLESSEN, * 23.10.1897 in Atena.


              She married HOLGER MUNTHE.


33.              MOGENS VON PLESSEN, * 28.03.1905 in Friedrichsruh, † 29.05.1988.


              He married FRANZISKA VON STERNBERG, 16.03.1938 in Praha, * 06.03.1899 in Wien, † 09.04.1983.


34.              MANUELLA VON PLESSEN, * 02.10.1908, † 11.07.1963.


              She married ALFRED VON FÜRSTENBERG, 40.09.1934 in Kopanina, * 08.04.1907 in Kopanina, † 07.10.1984 in Münster.




                              73.              i.              Constantin von Fürstenberg-Herdringen.


35.              JOHANN VON PLESSEN, religious name Johann Ludwig Hugo Camillo Edgar Alexander, * 10.07.1990 in Rijeka, † 04.09.1961.


              He married MARIA VON WUTHENAU-HOHENTHURM.




                              74.              i.              Maria von Plessen.


                              75.              ii.              Carl von Plessen.


                              76.              iii.              Carl von Plessen.


                              77.              iv.              Franz von Plessen.


                              78.              v.              Maria von Plessen.


36.        HANNAH VON BISMARCK-SCHÖNHAUSEN, * __.__.1893,163 † __.__.1971.164 .


        She married LEOPOLD VON BREDOW, __.__.1915,165 * __.__.1875,166 † __.__.1933.167




                              79.              i.              Marguerite von Bredow * __.__.1916.


                              80.              ii.              Alexandra von Bredow * __.__.1919.


                              81.              iii.              Diana von Bredow * __.__.1920.


                              82.              iv.              Wolfgang von Bredow * __.__.1921.


                              83.              v.              Philippa von Bredow * __.__.1923.


                              84.              vi.              Herbert von Bredow * __.__.1928.


                              85.              vii.              Bill von Bredow * __.__.1933.


37.        GOEDELA VON BISMARCK-SCHÖNHAUSEN, * __.__.1896,168 † __.__.1981.169 .


              She married HERMANN VON KEYSERLING, __.__.1919.170




                              86.              i.              Manfred von Keyserling * __.__.1920.


                              87.              ii.              Arnold von Keyserling * __.__.1922.


38.        OTTO PRINCE VON BISMARCK-SCHÖNHAUSEN, * __.__.1897,171 † __.__.1975.172 .


        He married ANN-MARI TENGBOM, __.__.1928,173 * __.__.1907,174 † __.__.1999.175




                              88.              i.              Mari Ann von Bismarck-Schönhausen * __.__.1929.


                              89.              ii.              Ferdinand von Bismarck-Schönhausen * __.__.1930.


                              90.              iii.              Carl Alexander von Bismarck-Schönhausen * __.__.1935.


                              91.              iv.              Maximilian von Bismarck-Schönhausen * __.__.1947.


                              92.              v.              Gunilla von Bismarck-Schönhausen * __.__.1949.


                              93.              vi.              Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen * __.__.1951.


39.        GOTTFRIED VON BISMARCK-SCHÖNHAUSEN, * __.__.1901,176 † __.__.1949.177 .


        He married MELANIE HOYOS, __.__.1937,178 * __.__.1916,179 † __.__.1949.180




                              94.              i.              Vendeline von Bismarck-Schönhausen * __.__.1937.


                              95.              ii.              Barbara von Bismarck-Schönhausen.


40.        ALBRECHT VON BISMARCK-SCHÖNHAUSEN, * __.__.1903,181 † __.__.1970.182 .

41.              GEORGE HOYOS, * 17.07.1902 in Beckett Shrivensham, † 20.10.1976 in Norwich, England.


        He married (1) ALICE BROWNING SMITH, 10.01.1925 in Garden City, USA, * 11.10.1904 in New York,183 (daughter of Clarence Browning Smith and Gertrude Jones), † 12.11.1969 in Annapolis, MA.184 They were divorced on __.__.1936.




                              96.              i.              Alexander Edgar George Robert Peter Varyant Gf Hoyos ten Eyck * 30.03.1932.


              He married (2) FRANCES BRIGGS, 14.07.1938 in Inistioge, Kilkenny, Ireland, * 05.03.1918 in Dublin (daughter of George Ewbank Briggs and Catherine Mary Swifte), † 20.10.1976 in Nrowich, Norfolk.185




                              97.              ii.              Alexander Edgar George Robert Peter Veriant Hoyos Ten Eyck * 30.03.1932.


42.              ZDENKO ALEXANDER ANTON VON HOYOS, * 16.08.1903 in Rijeka, † __.04.1942 in Hartberg, Austria.

43.              FRANZ JOSEPH BALTHASAR VON HOYOS, * 10.12.1904 in Rijeka.


              He married FRANZISKA VON SECKENDORFF, 07.10.1931 in Wien, * 27.09.1906 in P?rtschach am W?rthersee, † 30.07.1966 in Klafterbrunn.




                              98.              i.              Marie Christabel Gabriele Georgine Hedwig Cordula von Hoyos * 24.12.1932.


                              99.              ii.              Marie-Charlotte Hedwig Michaela Cordula von Hoyos * 11.10.1940.


                              100.              iii.              Friedrich Karl Rudolf Georg von Hoyos * 06.03.1945.


                              101.              iv.              Viktor Robert Martin Edgar von Hoyos * 27.01.1948.


                              102.              v.              Susanna von Hoyos * 27.01.1948.


44.              ALICE-MARGIT VON HOYOS, * 26.02.1907 in Rijeka, † 06.04.1979 in Freeland, Oxford.


              She married RYLE MORRIS, 07.04.1931 in Wien, * 26.11.1891 in Bryn-Myrddin, South Wales.


45.              MARIE CAJETANA LEOPOLDINE FRANZISKA ROBERTINE VON HOYOS, * 15.02.1909 in Rijeka, † 05.02.1948 in Trentham, Stoke on Trent.


              She married SIR JOHN PAGET BOWMAN, 07.02.1931 in Wien, * 12.02.1904, † 16.08.1994, occupation finance manager and director of Central Europe Western Electric., occupation company secretary for Decca Records, occupation general manager of Brymbo, occupation __.__.1947 - __.__.1952 general manager of Carter & Company, occupation __.__.1952 proprietor of Purbeck Decorative Tile Company, occupation 02.12.1955 4th Baronet Bowman, of Holmbury St. Mary, co. Surrey.




                              103.              i.              David Anthony Paget Bowman * 16.10.1935.


                              104.              ii.              Rachael Elinor Bowman * 05.10.1938.




              He married (1) RUTH GOLD, 21.07.1943 in Wien, * 14.06.1918 in Udine. They were divorced on 24.06.1947.




                              105.              i.              Karin Michaela Christine von Hoyos * 05.12.1946.


              He married (2) MAGDA BRUNNER-LEHNSTEIN, 02.07.1955 in Wien, * 26.12.1920 in Wien.




                              106.              ii.              Ilona Ines Maria Magda von Hoyos * 02.10.1956.


                              107.              iii.              Carolina Ines Vera von Hoyos * 13.04.1958.


47.              MARIE INES POLIXENA BENEDIKTA ILONA VON HOYOS, * 10.04.1917 in Wien.



              He married HELGA VON AMANN, 30.12.1939 in Nikolai, Oberschlesien, * 01.07.1916 in Split.




                              108.              i.              Alexander Ejnar Thomas von Hoyos * 05.03.1941.


                              109.              ii.              Philipp Joseph Innocenz von Hoyos * 02.07.1943.


                              110.              iii.              Martin Edmond Walter Karl von Hoyos * 27.10.1947.


                              111.              iv.              Katharina von Hoyos * 22.04.1954.


49.        MELANIE ALICE MARGUERITE AGNES GOEDELA VON HOYOS, * 29.02.1916 in Wien,186 † 14.09.1949 in Verden an der Aller.187 .


        She married GOTTFRIED VON BISMARCK-SCHOENHAUSEN, 16.03.1937 in Wien, * 29.03.1901 in Berlin,188 † 14.09.1949 in Verden an der Aller,189 occupation __.__.1935 chairman of the regional council (Regierungspräsident) for Stettin,190 occupation chairman of the regional council (Regierungspräsident) for Potsdam,191 occupation __.__.1944 Brigadeführer (Brigade Leader/Major General) in the SS.192




                              112.              i.              Vendeline Luitgard Alice Edmee Gfin. von Bismarck-Schönhausen * 07.12.1937.


                              113.              ii.              Johanna Barbara Marguerite von Bismarck-Schönhausen * 18.02.1938.


                              114.              iii.              Andreas Herbert Alexander Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen * 14.02.1941.


50.        ALICE AGNES MARGUERITE SYNNOVE VON HOYOS, * 26.07.1918 in Oslo (Kristiania).193 .


        She married FRIEDRICH VON LEDEBUR-WICHELN, 19.10.1955 in Wien, * 03.06.1900 in Nisko, Galicia,194 † 25.12.1986 in Linz.195


51.        BEATRIX MARYS CECILIA CAROLA VON HOYOS, * 12.04.1923 in Wien.196 .


        She married JEAN-PIERRE JEQUIER, 02.02.1946 in Lausanne,197 * 09.07.1919 in Split.


52.        AUGUSTA CECILIA DIANA THEODORA REVENTLOW-CRIMINIL, * 14.09.1908 in Goring, Oxfordshire, † __.__.1983.198 .


              She married LEOPOLD GRAF VON STERNBERG.




                              115.              i.              Diana von Sternberg.


53.        FRIEDRICH - VICTOR LUDWIG CARL CURT REVENTLOW-CRIMINIL, * 05.05.1916 in Berlin, Charlottenburg, † 27.06.1992 in Belfair,199 occupation 03.04.1936 Offiziersanwärter,200 ordination 10.09.1936 Seekadett,201 occupation 01.05.1937 Fähnrich zur See,202 occupation 01.10.1938 Leutenant zur See,203 occupation 01.10.1940 Oberleutnant zur See,204 occupation 01.09.1943 Kapitänleutnant,205 occupation Landwirt, Burgermeister, occupation 13.04.1944 - 16.06.1944 Commandant U-boat U-1017,206 occupation __.__.1953 emigrirao u Kanadu.207 .


              He married RENATE GRÜNMÖLLER.




                              116.              i.              Sylvia Elisabeth Lilian Cecilia Renate Victoria Reventlow-Criminil.


                              117.              ii.              Ludwig Victor Otto Adolf Cecil Reventlow-Criminil.




              He married MARIA DE LOS DOLORES ALCOVER.




                              118.              i.              Maria de los Dolores von Reventlow-Criminil.


55.              _____ SHORT, * 04.10.1916 in Hotel Belmont.

56.        JOHN EUGEN WHITEHEAD, * 04.09.1921 in Neu Aigen,208,209 † 24.09.2008 in Nassau, Bahamas.


              He married LORI WALLNER, 15.10.1947.210




                              119.              i.              Peter Whitehead.


                              120.              ii.              Thomas Whitehead.


57.        RUPPERT GEORG GOBERTUS RITTER VON TRAPP, * 01.11.1911 in Pula,211,212,213 † 22.02.1992,214,215,216 occupation liječnik,217 occupation __.__.1943 10th Mountain Division.218 .


              He married (1) HENRIETTE LAJOIE. They were divorced.



              He married (2) JANICE TYRE.


58.        AGATHE JOANA ERWINA GOBERTINA VON TRAPP, * 12.03.1913 in Pula,219,220 † __.__.2010.221,222 .

59.        MARIA FRANZISKA GOBERTINA VON TRAPP, * __.__.1914 in Zell Am See,223 † __.__.2014,224 occupation __.__.1956 Former lay missionary in Papua, New Guinea, now living in Stowe, Vermont.225 .

60.        WERNER GOBERTUS RITTER VON TRAPP, * 21.12.1915 in Zell Am See,226,227 † 11.10.2007.228 .


              He married ERIKA KLAMBAUER.229




                              121.              i.              Barbara von Trapp.


                              122.              ii.              Martin von Trapp.


                              123.              iii.              Bernhard von Trapp.


                              124.              iv.              Elisabeth von Trapp.


                              125.              v.              Tobias von Trapp.


                              126.              vi.              Stefan von Trapp.


61.        MARIA HEDWIGE ADOLPHINE GOBERTINA VON TRAPP, * 28.07.1917 in Zell Am See,230,231 † 12.09.1972,232,233 occupation member of the Trapp Family Singers and Trapp Family Lodge., occupation After the Trapp Family Singers disbanded she started her teaching career in Honolulu, directing a children's choir, teaching handicrafts, carpentry, a, occupation Her last teaching post was high in the Austrian Alps.

62.        JOHANNA KAROLINA GOBERTINA VON TRAPP, * 07.09.1919 in Zell Am See,234,235 † 25.11.1994.236,237 .


        She married ERNEST FLORIAN WINTER,238 __.__.1949,239 occupation diplomat.240


63.        ALICE MARTINA GOBERTINA VON TRAPP, * 17.02.1921 in Klosterneuburg,241,242 † 25.02.1951.243,244 .

        Notes: Umrla pri porodu.


        She married JEAN DUPIRE,245 __.__.1950.246




                              127.              i.              _____ _____.


64.              MARIA DELLA GLORIA AGATA GIUSEPPINA GOBERTINA MALFATTI, * 22.08.1922, † 23.02.1984.

65.              GIOACCHINO PIETRO FRANCESCO GOBERTUS MALFATTI, * 29.04.1924, occupation Knight of Obedience SMOM, occupation Ambassador for SMOM to the Principality of Liechtenstein.


              He married (1) ALDA MATARELLI, 15.01.1959, † 13.09.1969.



              He married (2) ALICE MARIA ESTERHÁZY DE GALÁNTHA, 14.03.1970, occupation Dame of the Order of the Croce Stellata.




                              128.              i.              Giovanni Malfatti * 07.04.1971.


                              129.              ii.              Roberto Malfatti * 24.10.1972.




              She married ANTONIO GRASSI, 31.10.1970.

1Laura Read, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWwhiteheadEG.htm (Sackville School)

2               List rodoslova od Laszy/Bocchina ima 03. 01., te smrt 14. 11.

3               The New York Times, November 15, 1905. (whitwhwad101422699.pdf)

4               Laura Read, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWwhiteheadEG.htm (Sackville School)

5               Laura Read, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWwhiteheadEG.htm (Sackville School)

6               Laura Read, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWwhiteheadEG.htm (Sackville School)

7               Silurificio Whitehead di Fiume S. A. - Sede in Fiume, La Storia del siluro 1860-1936. (Stabilimento Tipografico Alessandro Pesce 1936-XV.), La Storia del siluro 1860-1936. 10-11 bilj. 1.

8               Laura Read, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWwhiteheadEG.htm (Sackville School)

9               Laura Read, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWwhiteheadEG.htm (Sackville School)

10               Silurificio Whitehead di Fiume S. A. - Sede in Fiume, La Storia del siluro 1860-1936. (Stabilimento Tipografico Alessandro Pesce 1936-XV.), La Storia del siluro 1860-1936. 10-11 bilj. 1.

11               Silurificio Whitehead di Fiume S. A. - Sede in Fiume, La Storia del siluro 1860-1936. (Stabilimento Tipografico Alessandro Pesce 1936-XV.), La Storia del siluro 1860-1936. 10-11 bilj. 1.

12               Laura Read, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWwhiteheadEG.htm (Sackville School)

13               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 33.

14               Dundas Fettes Ian, http://geneagraphie.com/getperson.php?personID=I635189&tree=1.

15               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 33.

16               ***, Rodoslovno stablo ((dobio valjda od Laszya ili Bocchina)), Rodoslovno stablo.

17               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 223.

18               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 224.

19               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 223.

20               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

21               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

22               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 223.

23               http://dreadnoughtproject.org/tfs/index.php/Charles_Carter_Drury#cite_ref-4.

24               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 223.

25               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 223.

26               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

27               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

28               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

29               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

30               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

31               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

32               http://dreadnoughtproject.org/tfs/index.php/Charles_Carter_Drury#cite_ref-4.

33               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

34               http://dreadnoughtproject.org/tfs/index.php/Charles_Carter_Drury#cite_ref-4.

35               http://dreadnoughtproject.org/tfs/index.php/Charles_Carter_Drury#cite_ref-4.

36               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

37               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

38               http://dreadnoughtproject.org/tfs/index.php/Charles_Carter_Drury#cite_ref-4.

39               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

40               http://dreadnoughtproject.org/tfs/index.php/Charles_Carter_Drury#cite_ref-4.

41               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

42               http://dreadnoughtproject.org/tfs/index.php/Charles_Carter_Drury#cite_ref-4.

43               http://dreadnoughtproject.org/tfs/index.php/Charles_Carter_Drury#cite_ref-4.

44               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

45               Wikipedija (ad vocem).

46               Ernst Bähr aus Velten (ernst.baer@arcor.de), https://gedbas.genealogy.net/person/show/1149263943 (4. VIII. 2017.)

47               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 225.

48               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 43.

49               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

50               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

51               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

52               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.)), 7.

53               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

54               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

55               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

56               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

57               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

58               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

59               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

60               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

61               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

62               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

63               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 303.

64               LB 81:2 10.04.1902; LB 82:3 11.04.1902. osmrtnica, LB 81:2 10.04.1902; LB 82:3 11.04.1902. osmrtnica, ima krivu 1855. za roðenje.

65               LB 81:2 10.04.1902; LB 82:3 11.04.1902. osmrtnica, LB 81:2 10.04.1902; LB 82:3 11.04.1902. osmrtnica.

66               LB 81:2 10.04.1902; LB 82:3 11.04.1902. osmrtnica, LB 81:2 10.04.1902; LB 82:3 11.04.1902. osmrtnica.

67               ***, Rodoslovno stablo ((dobio valjda od Laszya ili Bocchina)), Rodoslovno stablo.

68               http://www.georgandagathe.org/children-parents-grandparents.html.

69               ***, Rodoslovno stablo ((dobio valjda od Laszya ili Bocchina)), Rodoslovno stablo.

70               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 326.

71               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 43.

72               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 43.

73               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 43.

74               ***, Rodoslovno stablo ((dobio valjda od Laszya ili Bocchina)), Rodoslovno stablo.

75               http://thepeerage.com/p3308.htm.

76               ***, Rodoslovno stablo ((dobio valjda od Laszya ili Bocchina)), Rodoslovno stablo.

77               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

78               ***, Rodoslovno stablo ((dobio valjda od Laszya ili Bocchina)), Rodoslovno stablo.

79               http://www.alvie-estate.co.uk/documents/websiteweddingbrochure_005.pdf.

80               ***, Državni arhiv Rijeka (Riječka pretura / Pretura di Fiume (PR-8)), DAR, PR-8 (Pretura di Fiume), 36/1946 (kut. 607)

81               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

82               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

83               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

84               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

85               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

86               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

87               ***, Državni arhiv Rijeka (Riječka pretura / Pretura di Fiume (PR-8)), DAR, PR-8 (Pretura di Fiume), 36/1946 (kut. 607)

88               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

89               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

90               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

91               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

92               Buyers Christopher, http://www.royalark.net/Georgia/dadan2.htm.

93               Buyers Christopher, http://www.royalark.net/Georgia/dadan2.htm.

94               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

95               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

96               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

97               Lukežić Irvin, Austrijski grofovi i riječki principali (Mediteran br. 335 VIII(2001):7 (9. 9. 2001.))

98               ***, Državni arhiv Rijeka (Riječka pretura / Pretura di Fiume (PR-8)), DAR, PR-8 (Pretura di Fiume), 36/1946 (kut. 607)

99               Buyers Christopher, http://www.royalark.net/Georgia/dadan2.htm.

100               Santifaller L. - Obermayer-Marnach E. (ur.), Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815 - 1950. (Verlag Herm. Böhlaus Nachfolgern, Graz-Köln 1957.), ÖBL 1815 - 1950. 435.

101               www.geni.com/people/.

102               Santifaller L. - Obermayer-Marnach E. (ur.), Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815 - 1950. (Verlag Herm. Böhlaus Nachfolgern, Graz-Köln 1957.), ÖBL 1815 - 1950. 435.

103               www.geni.com/people/.

104               Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata. (Adamić 2004.), Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata.

105               Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata. (Adamić 2004.), Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata.

106               Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata. (Adamić 2004.), Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata.

107               Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata. (Adamić 2004.), Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata.

108               Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata. (Adamić 2004.), Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata.

109               Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata. (Adamić 2004.), Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata.

110               Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata. (Adamić 2004.), Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata.

111               Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata. (Adamić 2004.), Lukežić Irvin, Povijest riječkih konzulata.

112               ***, Državni arhiv Rijeka (Riječka pretura / Pretura di Fiume (PR-8)), DAR, PR-8 (Pretura di Fiume), 36/1946 (kut. 607)

113               www.geni.com/people/.

114               www.geni.com/people/.

115               ***, Državni arhiv Rijeka (Riječka pretura / Pretura di Fiume (PR-8)), DAR, PR-8 (Pretura di Fiume), 36/1946 (kut. 607)

116               ***, Državni arhiv Rijeka (Riječka pretura / Pretura di Fiume (PR-8)), DAR, PR-8 (Pretura di Fiume), 36/1946 (kut. 607)

117               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 319.

118               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 319.

119               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 319.

120               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 319.

121               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 320.

122               DAR, JU-51, Listovi po ulicama (kut. 225), Kružna 4-8, DAR, JU-51, Listovi po ulicama (kut. 225), Kružna 4-8.

123               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 320.

124               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 321.

125               Dundas Fettes Ian, http://geneagraphie.com/getperson.php?personID=I635189&tree=1.

126               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 322.

127               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 322.

128               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.

129               Trapp Maria Augusta von, Obitelj Trapp - Putovanja. (Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb 1991.), 9.

130               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

131               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

132               Militaer Schematismus des oesterreichischen Kaiserthums. (k.k. Hof- u. Staats- Druckerey, Wien), 1914:1271.

133               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

134               (http://www.almanachdegotha.org/id151.html)

135               http://www.angelfire.com/realm/gotha/gotha/belmonte.htm.

136               ***, Rodoslovno stablo ((dobio valjda od Laszya ili Bocchina)), Rodoslovno stablo.

137               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 326.

138               DAR, JU-51, Listovi po ulicama (kut. 225), Kružna 4-8, DAR, JU-51, Listovi po ulicama (kut. 225), Kružna 4-8.

139               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 326.

140               ***, Rodoslovno stablo ((dobio valjda od Laszya ili Bocchina)), Rodoslovno stablo.

141               DAR, JU-51, Listovi po ulicama (kut. 225), Kružna 4-8, DAR, JU-51, Listovi po ulicama (kut. 225), Kružna 4-8.

142               www.geni.com/people/.

143               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

144               www.geni.com/people/.

145               www.geni.com/people/.

146               www.geni.com/people/.

147               www.geni.com/people/.

148               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

149               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

150               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

151               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

152               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

153               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

154               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

155               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

156               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

157               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

158               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

159               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem'.

160               www.geni.com/people/.

161               www.geni.com/people/.

162               DAR, JU-51, Listovi po ulicama (kut. 225), Kružna 4-8, DAR, JU-51, Listovi po ulicama (kut. 225), Kružna 4-8.

163               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

164               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

165               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

166               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

167               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

168               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

169               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

170               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

171               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

172               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

173               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

174               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

175               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

176               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

177               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

178               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

179               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

180               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

181               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

182               http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html, http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Bismarck.html.

183               Buyers Christopher, http://www.royalark.net/Georgia/dadan2.htm.

184               Buyers Christopher, http://www.royalark.net/Georgia/dadan2.htm.

185               Buyers Christopher, http://www.royalark.net/Georgia/dadan2.htm.

186               www.geni.com/people/.

187               www.geni.com/people/.

188               www.geni.com/people/.

189               www.geni.com/people/.

190               www.geni.com/people/.

191               www.geni.com/people/.

192               www.geni.com/people/.

193               www.geni.com/people/.

194               www.geni.com/people/.

195               www.geni.com/people/.

196               www.geni.com/people/.

197               www.geni.com/people/.

198               www.geni.com/people/.

199               www.wikipaedia.org 'sub vocem', https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Victor_Reventlow-Criminil.

200               https://www.uboat.net/men/commanders/997.html.

201               https://www.uboat.net/men/commanders/997.html.

202               https://www.uboat.net/men/commanders/997.html.

203               https://www.uboat.net/men/commanders/997.html.

204               https://www.uboat.net/men/commanders/997.html.

205               https://www.uboat.net/men/commanders/997.html.

206               https://www.uboat.net/men/commanders/997.html.

207               https://www.uboat.net/men/commanders/997.html.

208               http://www.stowetoday.com/stowereporter/archives/capt-john-e-whitehead/article_d06466a5-a8fb-5bc3-95c8-e4d8131fc6ea.html.

209               Lukežić Irvin, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke (ICR 2010.), Lukežić, Robert Whitehead engleski tvorničar iz Rijeke, 320.

210               http://www.stowetoday.com/stowereporter/archives/capt-john-e-whitehead/article_d06466a5-a8fb-5bc3-95c8-e4d8131fc6ea.html.

211               Reinhart Char (ID *****2588), http://genforum.genealogy.com/trapp/messages/628.html (April 14, 2007 at 13:23:10)

212               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

213               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.

214               Reinhart Char (ID *****2588), http://genforum.genealogy.com/trapp/messages/628.html (April 14, 2007 at 13:23:10)

215               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

216               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.

217               http://www.vontrapp.org/history--trapp-family-musicians.html.

218               http://www.vontrapp.org/history--trapp-family-musicians.html.

219               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

220               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.

221               http://www.georgandagathe.org/children-parents-grandparents.html.

222               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp, +2007.

223               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.

224               http://www.georgandagathe.org/children-parents-grandparents.html.

225               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.

226               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

227               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.

228               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

229               Trapp Maria Augusta von, Obitelj Trapp - Putovanja. (Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb 1991.), 9.

230               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

231               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.

232               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

233               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.

234               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

235               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.

236               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

237               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.

238               Trapp Maria Augusta von, Obitelj Trapp - Putovanja. (Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb 1991.), 9.

239               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.

240               http://www.vontrapp.org/history--trapp-family-musicians.html.

241               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

242               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.

243               http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp.

244               Trapp Maria Augusta von, Obitelj Trapp - Putovanja. (Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb 1991.), 9.

245               Trapp Maria Augusta von, Obitelj Trapp - Putovanja. (Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb 1991.), 9.

246               http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html, http://www.trappfamily.com/history.html.




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Kreirao ©: Nenad Labus
viši savjetnik konzervator-dokumentarist u mirovini,
Konzervatorski odjel Rijeka



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- Povijest Rijeke od 1625 do 1650
- Povijest Rijeke od 1675 do 1700
- Povijest Rijeke od 1725 do 1750
- Povijest Rijeke od 1775 do 1800
- Povijest Rijeke od 1825 do 1850
- Povijest Rijeke od 1875 do 1900
- Povijest Rijeke od 1925 do 1950
- Povijest Rijeke od 1975 do 2000
- Povijest Rijeke od 2015 do Danas
- Rijeka, razni događaji i ostalo
- O Rijeci na engleskom jeziku

- Riječke Biografije
- Riječka vlast kroz stoljeća
- Povijest Rijeke od 1400 do 1500
- Povijest Rijeke od 1600 do 1625
- Povijest Rijeke od 1650 do 1675
- Povijest Rijeke od 1700 do 1725
- Povijest Rijeke od 1750 do 1775
- Povijest Rijeke od 1800 do 1825
- Povijest Rijeke od 1850 do 1875
- Povijest Rijeke od 1900 do 1925
- Povijest Rijeke od 1950 do 1975
- Povijest Rijeke od 2000 do 2015

- History of Racing, Preluk - Rijeka
- Riječki grbovi i zastave (heraldika)


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